LightForce® Therapy

Deep tissue laser therapy is used to treat painful muscles and joints associated with acute (rapid onset/recent) and chronic (long term/old) soft tissue injuries.

Deep tissue laser therapy is used to treat painful muscles and joints associated with acute (rapid onset/recent) and chronic (long term/old) soft tissue injuries.

It is also indicated for helping relieve pain and stiffness associated with osteo-arthritis through it’s ability to increase blood flow locally, which also makes it a good choice for post activity recovery.

LightForce® Therapy Laser is non-surgical, drug-free and promotes rapid relief.

How does it work?

Laser therapy is a medical treatment using focused light to stimulate a process known as photobiomodulation or PBM. During PBM, photons enter the tissue and trigger a biological cascade of events that promotes an increase in cellular metabolism, decreasing pain, reducing inflammation and accelerating healing.

What is it used for?

Laser therapy is used to treat painful muscles and joints associated with acute (rapid onset/recent) and chronic (long term/old) soft tissue injuries and is also effective at promoting after activity recovery.

Acute conditions – it is most effective when administered as soon as possible following injury.

Chronic conditions – laser is used mostly to combat persistant pain.

Post-activity recovery – widely used by sports teams across the globe.

Where can you treat?

Any part of the body where there is soft tissue – from face (TMJ) to foot (plantarfasciitis), from shoulder (frozen) to hip. Laser is used both by our Podiatrists and Chiropractors

What does it feel like?

Laser therapy treatments are applied direct to the skin because any covering such as clothes or dressings will interfere with light delivery.  Most patients feel nothing at all but some feel a gentle warmth during application. In addition, if the massge ball applicator is being used, the treatment experience can be quite pleasant and pain can reduce quickly and noticeably on higher settings.

How long does it take?

This depends on what is being treated, which part of the body and why, but treatments usually take between four and seven minutes.

How many treatments will I need?

More than one treatment is usually required to see a lasting benefit, often between three and five visits initially but your therapist will discuss a treatment plan with you before you begin.

For more information or to book an appointment please call Maidenhead Podiatry and Chiropractic Clinic on 01628 773588 or email