What is plantar fasciitis?

Plantar fasciitis is inflammation of the plantar fascia, a thin layer of tough connective tissue supporting the arch of the foot. Repeated microscopic tears of the plantar fascia cause pain, usually in the heel and is one of the most common foot disorders encountered by Podiatrists. It has been estimated that over two million peopleRead More

Biomechanical or MSK (Musculo-skeletal) assessment

There is an increasing interest in the functional structure of the foot and how it can affect the rest of the body. The feet are the foundation on which the structural integrety of the rest of the body depends, and just like a building, reliability over time depends on the foundation being level and stable.Read More

Maidenhead Podiatry is now selling Dermatonics creams – Eco-friendly and British made

Do you ever wonder which foot care product will suit you best? There has to be a compelling reason for adding a new product range to the creams and skin care products that we use as podiatrists. Dermatonics provide that compelling reason with a range of products that stand out in a crowded marketplace. ARead More

(Radial) Shockwave Therapy (SWT)

(Radial) SHOCKWAVE Therapy (SWT) Radial Shockwave is a tried, tested, and well-researched treatment used in physiotherapy since the 1990s. It has gained popularity due to its effectiveness and application across a wide range of professions. What would you use it for? SWT is used by both our podiatrists and our chiropractors to treat a varietyRead More

Need help with your feet or back – use our search bar.

Use our search bar the find what you are looking for Many people visit our website for help or information on Podiatry or Chiropractic. Both Podiatrists and Chiropractors offer a range of treatments and skills to benefit their patients but sometimes all you need is to be informed. Below we describe what Podiatry and ChiropracticRead More

Why do I have heel pain?

What is causing my heel pain? At Maidenhead Podiatry our Podiatrists are regularly asked about heel pain which is often at its worst first thing in the morning or when walking after a period of rest. The first part of the gait cycle, where your foot has its first contact with the ground, is called ‘heel strike’.Read More

Why do I have foot pain?

Why do my feet hurt? In a series of blogs this month we will look at the causes of foot pain. There are many reasons why anyone can experience different levels and types of foot pain. Sharp or dull, bruised, or persistent, pain is a warning – don’t ignore it! This list is not exhaustiveRead More

Maidenhead Podiatry and Chiropractic

What do we do at Maidenhead Podiatry and Chiropractic? Podiatry is defined as the diagnosis and treatment of foot disorders; however, we assess, diagnose and treat from the knee. Chiropractic is the application of a wide range of manipulative techniques designed to improve the function of joints, relieve pain and ease muscle spasm. Podiatry likeRead More

LightForce® Therapy

Deep tissue laser therapy is used to treat painful muscles and joints associated with acute (rapid onset/recent) and chronic (long term/old) soft tissue injuries.Read More

(Radial) Shockwave Therapy (SWT)

  Radial Shockwave is a tried, tested and well-researched treatment used in physiotherapy since the 1990s. It has gained popularity due to its effectiveness and application across a wide range of professions.Read More